What Happens to the Rose Parade Floats After the Parade?

The Rose Parade 2024 is a vibrant display of flowers, floats, and marching bands. But what occurs to the floats after the parade concludes? You may be surprised to learn the answer. The floats are actually recycled! That’s right, the Tournament of Roses is committed to sustainability, and they take great care to recycle and compost as much of the floats as possible.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what happens to the Rose Parade floats after the parade. We’ll also learn about some of the innovative ways that the Tournament of Roses is reducing its environmental impact.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy this fascinating look behind the scenes of the Rose Parade.

How the Rose Parade Floats Are Recycled

The Rose Parade is a beautiful and festive event, but it also has a sustainability story to tell. Once the parade has finished, the floats are reused. This is a big undertaking, but the Tournament of Roses is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the event.

Here are the specific steps involved in recycling the Rose Parade floats:

  • The floats are disassembled by a team of volunteers.
  • The flowers and plants are removed and composted.
  • The wood frames are reused if possible, or they are recycled.
  • The metal parts are also reused or recycled.
  • The fabric parts are recycled.

The Tournament of Roses goes to great lengths to ensure that as much of the floats as possible are recycled. For example, they use sustainable materials in the floats, such as recycled plastics and cardboard. They also use water-saving techniques to reduce the amount of water used to keep the flowers fresh.

The recycling of the Rose Parade floats is a great example of how a large event can be made more sustainable. This serves as a reminder that we all have a responsibility to reduce our environmental footprint.

Here are some fun facts about the recycling of Rose Parade floats:

  • The flowers from the floats are composted and used to create new flowers and plants.
  • The wood frames from the floats are reused to build new structures, such as benches and tables.
  • The metal components from the floats are reused to create new items, such as floats for the next year.
  • The fabric parts from the floats are recycled into new materials, such as insulation and carpeting.

The next time you view the Rose Parade, take a moment to consider the sustainability narrative it embodies. The floats may be aesthetically pleasing, but they also serve as a reminder of our commitment to preserving our environment.

Innovative Ways the Tournament of Roses is Reducing Their Environmental Impact

The Tournament of Roses is dedicated to decreasing the environmental impact of their event. Below are some of the creative methods they are utilizing:

  • Using sustainable materials in the floats: The Tournament of Roses is working to reduce the amount of non-sustainable materials used in the floats. For example, they are using recycled plastics and cardboard, and they are exploring the use of new materials, such as bamboo. 
  • Using water-saving techniques: The Tournament of Roses is also working to reduce the amount of water used to keep the flowers fresh. For example, they are using drip irrigation systems and they are recycling the water used to nourish the flowers. 
  • Offsetting their carbon emissions: The Tournament of Roses is offsetting their carbon emissions by planting trees and investing in renewable energy projects. 
  • Educating the public about sustainability: The Tournament of Roses is also working to educate the public about sustainability. They offer educational programs about sustainability and they encourage people to make sustainable choices.

The Tournament of Roses is committed to making their event more sustainable. These are only a few of the creative solutions they are utilizing. By collaborating, we can all contribute to preserving the environment.

Take Your Rose Parade Experience to the Next Level with the Signature Tour Package from A La Carte Tours!

Experience the best of the Rose Parade 2024 with the Rose Bowl Parade Tours offered this 2023-24 season with A la Carte Tours’ – Signature Tour Package. Our custom tailored, all-inclusive itinerary ensures that you and your family get to experience Pasadena, CA in style during one of the most exciting events of each year.

From float viewing to tickets for both parts of The Tournament of Roses –the parade and football game – our Signature Tour Package has everything you need for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Our expert guides are on hand throughout your tour to show you around town, ensure everything runs smoothly, and answer any questions along the way. 

One additional unique feature that comes included in our Signature Tour is Premium Reserved Seats at the START of the parade. This is a special reserved area where families can watch The Tournament of Roses Parade without worrying about being too far away or stuck in crowded areas; giving them an even better parade experience than most attendees could ever imagine having! 

All this plus great hotel accommodation, excellant meals, transportation, local sightseeing, and much more is part of our comprehensive offering that caters perfectly to visitors looking for Rose Parade packages or Rose Bowl Parade tours. 

For those who want only the best when experiencing one of America’s greatest traditions – A la Carte Tours offers their exclusive Signature Tour Package as an amazing option with plenty to see for all ages! With our team by your side every step along the journey will be enjoyable; giving you memories that last a lifetime! If you have any queries about Rose Parade 2024 tours or the best Rose Parade packages, feel free to contact us at 800.749.9342 or direct 915.248.1262 to get the best deals. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to the flowers and plants on the Rose Parade floats after the parade?

After the parade, the flowers and plants are removed and composted to create new flowers and plants.

What do they do with the wood frames of the floats?

The wood frames are either reused to build new structures, such as benches and tables, or they are recycled.

What happens to the metal parts of the floats?

The metal parts are repurposed or recycled into new items, such new floats for the following year.

What is done with the fabric parts of the floats?

Fabric components are repurposed into new products, such as insulation and carpeting.

What sustainable materials are used in the floats?

The Tournament of Roses uses sustainable materials, such as recycled plastics and cardboard, in the floats. They are investigating the use of new materials, such as bamboo.

How does the Tournament of Roses reduce water usage for the floats?

They use water-saving techniques like drip irrigation systems and recycle the water used to nourish the flowers, reducing the amount of water needed to keep the flowers fresh.